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The Power of Style: Why What You Wear Matters & How To Maximize Your Wardrobe (For CREW Circles Members ONLY)

from8:30 PM to - 10:30 PM UTCOne Metropolitan Square211 N Broadway Suite 2200 St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America 63102

Style is an overt expression. It's your clothing, how you adorn your body and carry yourself, your hair, beauty and grooming habits, communicating your gender, cultural, religious, and personal beliefs. Style is at a pivot point in today's world. You can express yourself more authentically, command presence, craft a personal brand, and tell a story about yourself to others. There is power in you being your original self, ultimately aiding you in establishing a confident opinion of yourself and positively impacting your life. Laura will present the evidence behind style psychology and share practical ways to edit your closet and establish an effective wardrobe that suits you. 

3:30 - 4 p.m. - Arrivals + networking
4 p.m. - Program begins

CREW Circles Members Only