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News Release

Private STL Bus Tour: Brick City Broads

On March 7th, two busloads of eager CREW St. Louis members embarked on a historical tour of St. Louis to learn about the accomplished, amazing women that helped shape this city. From Annie Malone, one of the nation's wealthiest black women, leading cosmetic entrepreneur and founder of the St. Louis Poro College to Mary Millicent Miller who made history when in 1884 she became the first woman in the United States to earn her steamboat master's license.

When asked how she enjoyed the tour, CREW ST. Louis member Sarah Finley replied, "I love this town and its history, but I didn't know that Maya Angelou was born in St. Louis. For a history nerd like me, that is what is so amazing about this town, you never stop learning how many amazing women made an impact on history."

The bus tour began and ended at the historic Foundry where after the tour many members gathered for drinks and discussion of what they had just learned.